On Thu, 26 Oct 2006 19:42:54 +1300, in alt.politics.homosexuality
| > In our last episode,
| > the lovely and talented Qazfez
| >
| >
| > >> In our last episode,
| > >> the lovely and talented RBRK
| > >>
| > >>
| > >> >> On 24 Oct 2006 07:55:40 -0700, "bob&carole"
| > >> >>
| > >> >>>
| > >> >>>
| > >> >>>
| > >> >>
| > >> >> We have more to fear from the Christ-Nazis then we do radical Islam.
| > >> >>
| > >>
| > >> > Do they shout "aleluya" when they kill non-Christians & without any
| > >> > reason?
| > >>
| > >> You tell me. What did Timothy McVeigh and Eric Rudolph shout?
| >
| > > Timothy McVeigh was not a Christian.
| >
| > "Army of God" --- peddle your no-true-Scotsman elsewhere.
| I'm admittedly going by memory and don't have the references handy, but
| I believe McVeigh expressly said he was not a Christian.
After his parents' divorce, McVeigh and his siblings lived with their
father, a devout Roman Catholic who often attended Daily Mass. Some
degree of religious conviction may have remained with him throughout
his life. In a recorded interview with Time Magazine.[2] he professed
his belief in "a God". The Guardian reported that McVeigh wrote a
letter claiming to be an agnostic, but no text of such a letter (or
tangible proof of its existence) has been published or made public in
any medium.[3] McVeigh accepted the Sacrament of Extreme Unction from
a priest of the Roman Catholic Church shortly before his death, and he
had been visited by a priest during his time in prison but expressed
his wish to keep the details of his beliefs private.
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